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Consistent, enjoyable learning across your organisation

Does your business have outdated training?

We can reinvigorate existing material and turn it into fun, interactive eLearning modules. 

And if you need to start from scratch we can help with that too...



eLearning training keeps users engaged and makes learning fun. With quizzes, pictures, and an engaging look and feel, transforming your training into eLearning helps employees understand and remember the content.  


eLearning courses can be used alone, or with a Learning Management System

to track and report on learner progress.


Chat to us today about how we can help you create exciting eLearning content.



of employees want to choose training times that fit their schedule.

- Lorman

Accessible Anytime

eLearning can be accessed at any time, from anywhere. No longer do your staff have to adhere to a strict training schedule.


Instead, with eLearning, they can access training as and when they need it.​

(can include video components)

eLearning offers an interactive learning experience that keeps users engaged and makes learning fun. 


Our courses can features text, images, videos and interactive games.

You can also choose to include a quiz at the end to demonstrate learning and comprehension. 


eLearning courses can be used alone, or with a Learning Management System to track and report on learner progress.

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Workplace Fatigue

Identifying and manage fatigue as a PCBU (persons conducting a business or undertaking). Interactive features are included throughout this course with a quiz at the end. 

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Remote Working

Learn how to thrive as a remote worker with four expert strategies for overcoming typical challenges. Learners participate while they learn which keeps them engaged. 

Benefits of tailor-made video training by Follow My Lead New Zealand

Remote learning is an incredibly effective medium when it comes to processes. 

Follow My Lead content is consistent, engaging and immediate. 

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